School Advisory Council

The School Advisory Council (SAC) consists of parents, LECS staff & community members and shall be responsible for approving academic, facilities and general planning decisions.

The SAC Executive Board is as follows:

Chairman/Community Member — DeVonna Craner
Vice-Chairman/After-school Programs Committee — Amy Halstead
Secretary/Curriculum Committee – Cate Goodsell
Teacher Representative/Curriculum Committee — Jessica Jones
Technology & Facility Committee — Sharon Morell
Fundraising Committee – vacant
Business Partners Committee — vacant
LECS Director — Joey Parrish

The SAC will make decisions regarding the day to day running of the school and shall include five standing committees that will be responsible for researching and making recommendations to the SAC. Standing committees may include members of the community, parents, students, and school staff.

The committees are:
1) an academic program committee;
2) a facilities and computer technology committee;
3) a business partnership committee;
4) a fundraising committee, and;
5) an afterschool committee.

Minutes from previous SAC meetings are available. A schedule of upcoming meetings may be found here. For information on how to speak at a SAC meeting, click here.