
Lake Eola Charter School requires students to wear the appropriate school uniform provided by our uniform supplier, Dennis Uniform. Please refer to the website below for the correct items for your children. STUDENTS MUST WEAR DENNIS UNIFORMS.

In cold weather students may wear whatever outerwear they wish to school but the only cold weather clothing items allowed in the classroom are:

  • LECS sweater
  • LECS logo solid grey sweatshirt
  • LECS logo solid black sweatshirt jacket 
  • LECS logo solid grey sweatshirt jacket
  • PLAIN, SOLID black, white, or red long-sleeve shirt underneath the short-sleeve polo shirt or PE shirt.  No other colors are permitted and the under shirt may not hang lower than the uniform shirt.
  • SOLID-COLORED tights or leggings under shorts or skirts

On cold PE days, students may wear LECS logo solid grey sweatpants. Please note that beginning with the 21/22 school year, ONLY the LECS logo sweatshirt jackets and sweatpants will be allowed. 

In addition, please note the guidelines below:

  • Platform or high-heeled shoes or boots (including athletic shoes with platforms) are not permitted.
  • Sandals, flip flops, cleated shoes, open-toe, or backless shoes are not permitted. Heels and toes must be fully enclosed.
  • Socks or tights MUST be worn at all times. They may be any color.
  • Shirts must be tucked in properly at all times, with the exception of Cluster 1. Students are not to “blouse” the shirt over the belt. 
  • PE shirts do not have to be tucked in.
  • Belts must be worn with uniform shorts or slacks, with the exception of Cluster 1.
  • No make-up is allowed for students in Cluster 1 or 2.
  • Hair coloring must be of options found naturally.

Students not in compliance with the uniform policy will receive consequences.

Dennis Uniform Manufacturing Company is located at 1101 N. Keller Rd Suite G-3, Apopka, FL 32810. They can be reached by phone at 407-960-1788, or online.
The school code for LECS is E1Q.

Non-Uniform Dress Code—on non-uniform days the following dress code will be enforced:

  • Clothes must be worn as they are designed – suspenders over the shoulders, pants secured at the waist, belts buckled, no underwear as outerwear, no underwear exposed.
  • Clothing with holes, tears, frayed hems, or inappropriate patches is not allowed.
  • Shirts must be long enough that the midriff is not exposed when arms are extended above the head.
  • Clothing that is too tight or revealing is unacceptable.  Leggings or legging-style, form-fitting pants must be worn with a mid-thigh length top or dress. 
  • Garments and/or jewelry that display or suggest sexual, vulgar, drug, weaponry, alcohol or tobacco related wording/graphics or may tend to provoke violence or disruption in school may not be worn.
  • Gang paraphernalia, jewelry, tattoos or other insignias which display, suggest, provoke or may tend to provoke violence or disruption in school may not be worn.
  • Shirts/blouses/dresses may be sleeveless if they follow the four-finger rule; no spaghetti straps or tank tops.
  • Hemlines of shorts, dresses, skirts, and skorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh.
  • Shoes and socks or tights must be worn.
  • Platform or high-heeled shoes or boots (including athletic shoes with platforms) are not permitted.
  • Sandals, flip flops, cleated shoes, open-toe or backless shoes are not permitted. Heels and toes must be fully enclosed.
  • No make-up is allowed for students in Cluster 1 or 2.

The following items have potential to cause disruption or threat to a safe and positive school environment and are prohibited:

  • Jewelry that contains any sort of sharp object.
  • Chains hanging from the neck, belt, pocket or attached to wallet.